You know what irks my soul? Okay, so maybe not my soul, but it does grate on me! When women say “I don’t like women!” I can’t stand it. How can you not like what you are? Please don’t shoot me, but I don’t even think past hurt is enough to justify this. Betrayal isn’t […]
Happy Sunday Guys! Okay, so I know for some of us…okay, many of us, it doesn’t feel like a happy Sunday. Nothing about this season seems good. Everything looks bleak. And bleak often paves the way for worry, anxiety, stress and a whole load of other things that cause us to… STOP. We stop moving […]
The joke is I’ve never even watched it and I don’t plan on either because it looks so boring! Don’t @me bro!
For a period of about a year, I lived on a Farm in Darbyshire. There were sheep, cows and TEN dogs including a demon Jack Russel lol!
Nope, we weren’t school mates, we were more like neighbours as he lived behind my house and I on many occasions used to watch him from my window! Who didn’t have a crush on Marvin back in the day?! (And no, he never spoke to me!)
This ended up being one of the weirdest jobs I ever did! I was supposed to recruit police officers but spent most of my time on the phone trying to console fed up officers much to the dismay of my manager! I lasted 3 months!